All Riders competing and taking part in the Shibumi Fun Days need to read and accept the terms of the Risk Waiver, Warning and Indemnity Documents.


Entry Conditions and Limitations of Liability

ATTENTION: Horses are large, heavy animals which can behave unpredictably and dangerously. Horse riding and carriage driving pose a risk of death or serious personal injury, even if you take reasonable care for your own safety.

1. Every horse rider or driver must:

(a) before riding or driving, sign a Risk Warning, Waiver and Indemnity (available in the office) and, if less than 18 years old, a parent or person in control of the child must sign,

(b) wear an Australian Standards approved riding helmet and heeled footwear at all times on a horse and

(c) prior to riding or driving, personally inspect the terrain to check the ground is safe to use.

2. If you ride or drive a horse, or if you handle or observe a horse, you do so entirely at your own risk. If you keep your horse at this establishment you do so entirely at your own risk. This establishment, its proprietors and staff will not be responsible for any injury to you, your horse or your property. Horse riding and driving activities are dangerous and you waive your rights when you step onto this property… Shibumi Equestrian Centre.

3. Only horses entered on the Fun Day are allowed on the Shibumi Equestrian Centre grounds

4. Motor vehicles must not exceed 15 kph and must park in designated areas.

5. Gates must be kept closed.

6. You must stay within the riding school area unless consent has been given for you to leave that area.

7. Dogs must be restrained and on a lead at all times.

8. Children under 12 must be closely supervised by a parent or an adult at all times whilst not with an instructor.

9. If you are going to be jumping or going on a trail ride or drive, you must let the management or staff know… this is for your own safety.

10. You must be aware of and abide by the rules for each area.

11. This establishment relies on the details you have provided regarding your riding or driving experience and age when we select a horse/s for you.

12. You must keep your personal tack and horse equipment in good condition.

13. The house, barn and workshop are Private and access is restricted.

14. Please place your rubbish in the bins provided

15. Please place your horse’s manure in the bins provided

16. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: Shibumi Equestrian Centre, its employees, agents and contractors will not be liable for the death of, or personal injury (as defined by s.5 Civil Liability Act 2002) to the rider, driver, handler or spectator, or the death of or injury to anyone’s horse, due to, or arising out of:

(a) any breach of an implied warranty or condition under the law that the horse related activities on the property will be rendered with reasonable care and skill;

(b) breach of a warranty implied by s.74 Trade Practices Act 1974 but limited to liability for death or personal injury for the purposes of s.68B of that Act; or

(c) negligence or misconduct under the law.

17. All rights pursuant to the Sale of Goods Act 1923 or otherwise by implication of law are expressly negatived to the fullest extent permitted by law.

18. Opening hours are strictly 7am – 7pm. After hours by arrangement only.

19. Withdrawals prior to closing date will be awarded a full refund minus a $10 administration fee.

20. Only 2 consecutive Show Jump classes can be ridden at any Fun Day

21. Withdrawals after closing date will be awarded a full refund minus a $10 administration fee if a Veterinary or Medical certificate is presented.  Refunds without a Veterinary or Medical certificate will not be considered.

22.  Any prizes not claimed at the Fun Day where they were won or within the two weeks following the Fun Day that they were won at, will be returned to the prize pool for award at future Fun Days.


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Shibumi Equestrian Centre does NOT:
• collect online or offline contact information which contains details identifying the age or other purely personal details of visitors
• collect any personally identifiable online or offline contact information from children without prior parental consent or parental notification, which will include an opportunity for the parent to prevent use of the information and participation in the activity. Without prior parental consent, online information will only be used to respond directly to the child’s request and will not be used for other purposes without prior parental consent
• distribute to third parties any personally identifiable information from children for any reason
• give the ability to publicly post or otherwise distribute personally identifiable contact information without prior parental consent
• entice by the prospect of a special game, prize or other activity, to divulge more information than is needed to participate in the activity.